Woodland Caribou Program

The Woodland Caribou Program actively studied herds in west-central Alberta from 1993 until 2005. This program was succeeded by the current Caribou Program in 2013.

The fRI Research Woodland Caribou Program was established in 1993, founded on more than a decade of Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division research. The Woodland Caribou Program studies landscape changes that negatively impact woodland caribou populations. Based upon research results, this program also recommended mitigating management strategies. It was supported by the timber industry, petroleum industry, federal government, and provincial government.

young caribou on roadside
Scientific Publications | Theses
Ph.D. thesis using modeling of multiple-species predator-prey systems to predict persistence of caribou populations .
Session notes, Model Forest Caribou Workshop, April 26-27, 2005 Winnipeg
Summaries and Communications | Meeting Agenda and Proceedings
Session notes from the 2005 caribou workshop designed for caribou ecology experts and practitioners to share knowledge and experience for conservation
group caribou walking up a snowy hillside photo by doug macnearney
Scientific Publications | Theses
M.Sc. thesis on winter and spring habitat selection patterns for caribou; assessed using resource selection functions (RSFs).
Research News: Issue 10, April 2005
Scientific Publications | Reports
Research News update containing brief descriptions of research projects done or being done related to caribou in west-central Alberta.
Research News: Issue 9, November 2004
Reports | Scientific Publications
Research News update containing brief descriptions of research projects done or being done related to caribou in west-central Alberta.
aerial photo of a wellsite and cutblocks in a pine forested hillside
Scientific Publications | Theses
M.Sc. Thesis on woodland caribou survival and response to industrial activity, includes management recommendations.
Winter habitat use by wolves, Canis lupus, in relation to forest harvesting in west-central Alberta
Reports | Scientific Publications
Report on wolf and ungulate movements and distribution in relation to forest harvesting and other land-use activities.
Boreal Caribou Committee QuickNote #1: Developing a Habitat Planning Target for Range Planning
QuickNotes | Summaries and Communications
Note on methods used to develop a plan to describe the amount of effective habitat in caribou range required for caribou populations to be stable.
Research News: Issue 7, June 2003
Summaries and Communications | Newsletters
Research News update containing brief descriptions of research projects done or being done related to caribou in west-central Alberta.