Grizzly Bear Predation Part 2: predation behaviour and its influence on grizzly bear health

In this project, completed in 2019 but drawing on over a decade of grizzly bear GPS data, thousands of field site visits, as well as datasets from our colleagues and partners, we have pieced together a comprehensive story of grizzly bear pre-dation in Alberta.

In part 2, we travel into the field to find out what grizzly bears are doing: where and when they are digging beds, hunting and scavenging prey, or foraging for berries and ants. We then linked that information to our data on grizzly bear body condition to understand how predation affects bear health.

In part 1, we connected the dots between the landscape and predation opportunities for grizzly bears.

Taken all together, we can now draw a line from landscape variables such as forestry through ungulate abundance, grizzly bear predation behaviour, all the way to grizzly bear health.