aerial photo of a forested landscape with cutblocks

Healthy Landscapes Program

Carrying out research, develops models, and does communication and education to support ecosystem-based management.

We look at landscape change at a huge scale: Canada’s boreal forest.

The Healthy Landscapes Program is a forest land management research partnership based at fRI Research. Focused on Ecosystem Based Management and led by Dr. David Andison, the HLP brings together industry, government and academia to study forest dynamics. The HLP has been a leader in innovative, large-scale, forestry research and management, striving for forestry practices that provide ecological and ecosystem services for generations.

Program History

Begun in 1996, the program has contributed dozens of studies, education and outreach products intended to improve our understanding of EBM and disturbances in Canada’s boreal forest. Originally called, the Natural Disturbance Program, it became the Healthy Landscapes Program in 2012 to reflect an expanded program vision.

Key Resources

Program Lead
Dr. David Andison
a harvest block with a stump icon
To what degree, and at what scale(s) is it possible to cluster forest harvesting activities across whole landscapes?
The EBM Roadmap Workshop
On June 19 and 20, 2018, the Healthy Landscapes Program put on a two-day workshop in Edmonton called "From Concept to Reality: Creating a Road Map for Ecosystem-Based Management".
Landscapes in Motion
The Landscapes in Motion project is here to discover some of the stories behind the landscapes in the southern Rockies of Alberta.
Understanding EBM through Dialogue
A communication and education project from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Determinants of Wildfire Remnant Survival
A research project from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Creating Wildfire Mortality Maps and Metrics from Landsat Images
A research project from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Historical Wildfire Burn Patterns at Sub-Landscape Scales
A research project from the Healthy Landscapes Program on meso-scale wildfire patterns.
LandWeb Simulation Modelling
A research project and tool that uses spatial simulation modelling to generate the historical range of landscape conditions across western boreal Canada.
Healthy Landscapes Concepts and Application
This interpretation project develops and tests a new planning approach inspired by ecosystem-based principles.
OnFire Annotated Fire Research Database
This tool is an annotated database of the available fire regime research in and near Alberta.
The Stony 800 Integrated Planning Healthy Landscapes Demonstration
This demonstration project shows how an understanding of natural patterns can help guide land use planning.
Historical Fire Regimes, Water, and Climate in the Foothills
This research project from the Healthy Landscapes Program seeks to understand the historical fire regimes in the foothills, and the relationship to water quality, land use, and climate change.
Understanding Large Woody Debris and  Development of a Decision Support Tool
This project seeks to better understand the dynamics of large woody debris in small streams.
Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in the Southern Foothills of Alberta
Research Project from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Comparing Cultural to Natural Disturbance Patterns
This research project from the Healthy Landscapes Program measures the differences between natural and industrial disturbance patterns.
Dedicated Healthy Landscapes Communications and Education Initiative
The communications and extension activities carried out by the Healthy Landscapes Program to share its research.
Healthy Landscapes Short Course
This is a C & E activity from the Healthy Landscapes program to improve understanding of natural disturbance patterns.
NEPTUNE Spatial Decision Support Tool
Created by the Healthy Landscapes Program, this is a tool for comparing human and natural disturbance.
The Highway 40 North Demonstration Project
This project demonstrates the application of the full range of NRV concepts.
Disturbance in Riparian Zones
This project looks at the patterns and roles of disturbances in riparian zones.
Natural Wildfire Patterns
How and why individual forest fires burn what they do in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
QuickNotes | Summaries and Communications
Andison argues that a robust NRV strategy should factor in the natural tendency of wildfire to cluster in time and space.
HLP QuickNotes #1–50
QuickNotes | Summaries and Communications | Resource Lists and Compendiums
A compendium of briefing notes from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
QuickNotes | Summaries and Communications
What is the natural range of variation, and at what scales?
left, many small footprints created by harvestting; right single large disturbance footprint from a wildfire
Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Paper from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Open Access paper from the Healthy Landscapes Program
Ecosystem Based Management in the Boreal Forest: Interactive Map of Case Studies
Interactive StoryMaps | GIS Products
Interactive map to view case studies across Canada.
Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Open Access paper from the Healthy Landscapes Program
Landscape photo of managed forest
Scientific Publications | Reports
This online "atlas" is a comprehensive set of documents mapping out challenges to adopting ecosystem-based management in forest management.
Scientific Publications | Reports
This report summarizes the pre-industrial landscape metrics computed by the Landweb modelling suite.
Join the Healthy Landscapes Program on Wednesday, February 19 at 10am Mountain Time for a presentation about how wildfire and forest harvesting impacts the understory vegetation species that are important to Indigenous communities.
The recording of the presentation is available now.
Join Dr. Nasim Kheirkhah Ghehi on Wednesday, December 11 at 10am MT.
aerial image of a sawmill
A presentation by Drs. Williams and Bull on the socio-economics of EBM.
arya caroline sarah
September brings new faces to fRI Research!
Employment Opportunity Program Coordinator
This position is now closed. Thank you to all who applied!
Dr. Vilbert Vabi at sea
Vilbert brings broad experience in resource management science, policy, and building relationships between different groups.
Healthy Landscapes Program Coordinator: A Chance to Make a Difference
Closing date: June 3, 2022 This job posting is now closed.
Looking Back on Landscapes in Motion
I want to share what LIM taught me both as a scientist and as a Program Lead.
Dr. David Andison
Dr. David Andison
Program Lead
sarah schmid
Sarah Schmid
Program Coordinator