Employment Opportunity: Full Time GIS Analyst

We are seeking a motivated individual to be part of our dynamic GIS Team.

Job Description

The GIS Analyst reports to the GIS Program Lead. This position provides GIS analysis, GIS support and data management to fRI Research staff, programs, and associations. 

The GIS Program helps to develop tools for researchers (staff) to improve their workflows. For example, processing large amounts of data and customizing scripts/tools for either pre-field work preparation (i.e. site selection) or post-data collection.

Tools are also developed, improved and maintained for use by fRI Research partners. For example, the Grizzly Bear Tools are part of the Grizzly Bear Annual Deliverables. These tools allow partners to the Grizzly Bear Program to run various analysis scenarios that enable them to make better decisions in their land and resource management planning.

The GIS Program also helps with visualization products such as maps, online maps, and movement animations.

How to Apply

Please email your cover letter, resume, and references to:

Julie Duval, GIS Program Lead, jduval@friresearch.ca

Subject line: “fRI Research Employment Opportunity – GIS Analyst”

This job posting closes September 20, 2016, 1600h MST

Download the full job description, qualifications, and requirements below.