Fall field update: Caribou Program crew

Field work continues for the fRI Research Caribou Program, with a fall field crew out working in northwest Alberta. Here’s an update from the field crew, in their words.


Thinking of pursuing an exciting career as a field technician? Here are a few courses that might spike your interest:

fRI  110 Archeology

Description:        Learn the basics of excavating ancient relics (such as quads) from clay. This course complements fRI 111 Sculpture: Introduction to pottery.

fRI 111 Sculpture: Introduction to pottery
Description:        Study of the principles and techniques of clay sculpting. Express your creativity (or frustration) through this course.

Consider fRI 112 Trucker talk as your language elective.
fRI 112 Trucker talk
Description:        An overview of variation in language and articulatory aspects of speech; emphasis on communications via radio. Improve your communication skills by introducing the expression “you betcha” into your vocabulary.

fRI 113 Introduction to off-roading
Description:        Combines the concepts, theories and practices of off-roading on roads with 30% gravel cover in an off-campus field experience. Field skill proficiency in “fishtailing” and “washboard” driving is emphasized. Prerequisite for fRI 114 Advanced driving.

fRI 114 Advanced driving
Description:        A philosophical exploration of “What is a road anyway?”. Explore this perspective in a framework of case studies. Learn to keep your cool while driving on a road with less than 5% gravel cover. Required material: Appropriate off-road soundtrack that includes the song Truck Yeah by Tim McGraw.

fRI 115 Edible plants
Description:        Discover the importance of edible plants in field technician’s diet. There will be field trips to sites where specimens can be harvested.

fRI 116 Introduction to campfire cooking
Description:        Tired of s’mores? Improve your culinary repertoire with Chef Adam. Learn the basics of building the perfect fire and cooking with minimal ingredients from your cooler. HOT SAUCE!!!!

fRI 117 Introduction to outdoor fashion
Description:        Explore design trends such as long johns with holes and headwear. Use headwear as a fashion accessory or… to cover the greasiest hair out there. Create original design with duct tape. It not only repairs any tear in yours pants, but enhances your silhouette.

fRI 118 Astronomy
Description:        Introduction to the solar system, constellations and Aurora Borealis. Improve your knowledge of astronomy and impress your coworkers at future campfires. Be prepared if you run out of fresh batteries for your GPS.

[NB: fRI doesn’t offer any of these courses. But we would like to!]