Foothills Growth and Yield Association Releases its 10 year Report

The Foothills Growth and Yield Association, established as part of the Foothills Research Institute program in 2000, has just released a report of the first 10 years of its in-depth study of the growth and yield of fire origin as well as regenerated lodgepole pine in Alberta. The report highlights a number of projects, including the development of regenerated lodgepole pine models for both planted and naturally regenerated lodgepole pine, and a preliminary decision support tool for mountain pine beetle post-infestation stand management.

Preliminary response to the report has been very positive, and the knowledge generated by the work of the Association is already being used in a pilot project on one member company’s forest estate. Adaptations of practice are being examined in light of both positive, e.g. continued ingress of natural regeneration beyond establishment survey ages in Alberta regulation and negative findings, e.g. if trends in mean annual temperature continue as they have over the past 25 years mortality rates in regenerated pine could double in 10 to 20 years. The report ends with a discussion of where the FGYA proposes to focus its efforts in the next several years, which will be critical to the programme.