In the August issue of eNotes we told you about replacing a culvert with a new system called geotextile reinforced soil (GRS) arch to re-establish fish passage on Hardisty Creek, located along Robb Road 6.6 km south of Hinton.
This project provides an opportunity to demonstrate cost advantages and environmental benefits of this alternative crossing technology. The GRS arch structure does not require footings and can be constructed using primarily local materials.
FP Innovations was on site to film the process from salvaging fish populations prior to temporarily diverting the creek, through construction and to completion of the road. The video will be used for future workshops/demonstrations of GRS crossings to government agencies and industry.
This partnership effort included West Fraser Mills Ltd., FP Innovations, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Trout Unlimited Canada, Hinton Fish Habitat Coalition, Hardisty Creek Restoration Project, TerraTech Consulting and the Foothills Research Institutes Stream Crossing Program. Reclamation of the stream banks is planned for the fall of 2009 and will involve local schools and youth groups.