Please join us in offering our hearty congratulations to GIS Analyst Dan Wismer on earning his certification as a GIS Professional (GISP). Achieving this designation confirms the talent and hard work that Dan brings to a job that might be under-appreciated by those who only see the end results.
Spatial data is the raw material that makes up much of our science, such as our conservation biology for threatened species like caribou and grizzly bears. But processing this data so it can be used to answer questions is no dull, rote task. Dan works closely with our scientists and is a creative force behind managing that data and making innovative new tools to analyze and visualize.
“Dan’s contribution and work ethic have been invaluable to the organization. Obtaining this certification is a testament to his professional growth and achievements.”
Julie Duval, GIS Services Manager, GISP
To earn his GISP, Dan had to prove his years of GIS work experience, earn credits through education and contributions to the profession, and finally, pass an exam. The exam tested the breadth of his GIS knowledge, from systems design to application development to data analysis and visualizations.
The GISP certification recognizes Dan’s first-rate professional competence and integrity in the. fRI Research looks forward to supporting Dan’s continued professional development through the GIS Certification Institute’s recertification process.