Grizzly Bear Program lead Gord Stenhouse was the recipient of the Canadian Institute of Forestry Rocky Mountain Section’s prestigious 2015/2016 Tree of Life Award. The award recognized Gord’s “groundbreaking work in grizzly bear research and preservation.”
Being nominated by his peers in forestry is an exceptional honour. His long-standing efforts to sustain populations of bears through his team’s research has promoted better resource planning that minimizes grizzly bear disturbance from resource development.
The ceremony took place on April 27, 2016; details will appear in the next issue of the Forestry Chronicle.
The Grizzly Bear Program under Gord’s direction has conducted large scale Alberta grizzly bear population survyes and made hundreds of contributions to the scientific literature on habitat, behaviour, and conservation. The Grizzly Bear Program has partnered with government, academia, industry, and the public.
“It is a great honour to be recognized by the CIF, and I want to thank the many foresters and forest companies that have supported this work over the years,” said Gord, speaking at the award ceremony. “I truly believe that foresters play a vital role in long-term grizzly bear conservation.”
On behalf of everyone at fRI Research, we are proud of Gord, his team, and all their accomplishments.