red attack forest from a helicopter. photo credit adam sprott

Assessment of Eastern Spread Risk of Mountain Pine Beetle through Studies on Beetle Dispersal and Host Colonization

The spread of MPB depends on dispersal by flight and establishment at the new site through colonization of a host tree. This project will assess these two processes in relation to dispersal capacity and beetle fitness focusing on beetles in the expanded range. This information will inform the interpretation of pheromone-baited trap captures, assessments of eastern spread risk, and provide data to refine spread models.


  1. To investigate whether flight impacts the electrophysiological response of antennal receptors to semiochemical cues.
  2. To investigate whether flight impacts the behavioural response of MPB to semiochemical cues.
  3. To compare morphology and fat content of beetles captured in pheromone-baited traps across the expanded range in AB
mountain pine beetle photo by ron long
Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Peer reviewed paper from Dr. Musso of the Evenden Lab at the U of A.
watercolour of a mountain pine beetle on a piece of wood
QuickNotes | Summaries and Communications
This 2-page briefing note introduces a project that will investigate the relationship between flight distance, beetle body condition, and beetle […]
Dr. Maya Evenden
Dr. Antonia Musso
Leanne Petro