Chisholm and Dogrib Fires

This project began in 2002 and finished in 2005.

On May 2001, a wildfire (Chisholm fire) overran the hamlet of Chisholm, Alberta. In October of the same year, a second fire (the Dogrib fire) threatened Bearberry, Alberta. Both fires were extreme and seriously damaged homes, community infrastructure, industrial operations and equipment. The intensity of the fires and the rate at which they spread raised concerns among Government of Alberta fire managers, industry and community residents.

Subsequently, fRI Research was asked to coordinate research that studied the fires immediate and long-term impacts. In April 2005, a workshop where researchers presented their findings marked the completion of this program.

Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Peer reviewed paper from the Healthy Landscapes Program.
Summary of research on the Chisholm, Dogrib and Lost Creek fires
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation given at the 2006 Foothills Model Forest AGM on research done on the Chisholm, Dogrib and Lost Creek fires.
Prometheus Fire Growth Model update: design and incorporation of spotting and breaching of fire break functionality
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation on fire intensity and mechanisms, variables and research of wildfire breaching of barriers.
Soil nutrient and organic matter responses to fire, harvesting, and salvage logging in the Chisholm fire
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation on studying nutritional productivity of harvested versus burned sites and factors responsible for differences in nutrient availability.
Boreal moss communities: succession and implications for establishment after fire in Alberta's spruce-dominated forests
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation outlining research objectives, hypotheses and preliminary conclusions of Simpson's study of boreal moss communities after fire.
Agenda: Post-fire research on the Chisholm, Dogrib and Lost Creek Fires
Summaries and Communications | Meeting Agenda and Proceedings
Agenda for 2005 workshop on post-fire research on the Chisholm, Dogrib and Lost Creek Fires.
C5 FMU fire regime analysis
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation outlining research objectives and methods, recent and historical fire regimes, fire mapping and fire regime modeling for the C5 FMU.
Effects of salvage logging on elk habitat during the first 3-years
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation on methods, statistical analysis, results, discussions and conclusions of this study on the effects of salvage logging on elk habitat.
Fuel and behaviour characteristics of the Chisholm Fire
Summaries and Communications | Presentation Slides
Presentation on Chisholm fire, research opportunities and precedent fire behaviour, as well as a comparison with the 1968 Vega fire.