Development of monitoring tools to detect mountain pine beetle at low densities on the eastern and northern edge of beetle expansion into Saskatchewan and NWT
The mountain pine beetle colonization phase, during which the beetles bore into the bark of selected trees, is characterized by rapid infestation triggered by aggregation pheromones. Due to the importance of pheromones in bark beetle biology, many studies have focused on the development of synthetic pheromones for the monitoring and management of bark beetle populations, and thus pheromones are known for a number of economically important bark beetle species, including MPB. However, we currently do not know whether commercially available lures used to monitor MPB populations are effective for catching MPB at low densities in novel habitats, suggesting an urgent need for the development of such lures.
This project will compare commercially available MPB lures from Contech-Inc. and Synergy Semiochemical with lures developed in Dr. Erbilgin’s lab using flight intercept traps. Although these lures contain similar chemicals (trans-verbenol, exo-brevicomin, and frontalin), they differ in their release rates, particularly trans-verbenol. Captured beetles will be removed from the traps every 3–4 days.
Once a superior treatment is identified, in the subsequent experiments we will alter the release rates of individual chemical(s) in the selected treatment and field test their efficacy in July and August. We will also test whether addition of host tree volatile chemicals to MPB pheromone lure will improve the attraction of beetles, particularly females. Based on the experiments conducted in Erbilgin’s lab and published literature, the candidate tree volatiles are myrcene, terpinolene, and 3-carene.
Earlier studies conducted in BC found that adding terpinolene and myrcene together to MPB pheromone caused a significant increase in the percentage of female MPB captured in traps, but changing release rates of MPB pheromone components and host tree chemicals has never being tested before. All these field experiments will be conducted in lodgepole pine forest stands near Slave Lake and Whitecourt.
Expected Outcome
The goal of this research is to develop an effective attractant using traps in novel habitats. The project will provide a learning environment for multiple undergraduate summer students.
This research theme was continued in another project beginning in 2019.
Phase 1 of the project, led by Dr. Nadir Erbilgin, kicks off
Pheremones deployed in traps and adult beetles collected before flight
2 pheromones identified, successfully completing Phase 1
Phase 2: field testing of the pheromones in trap trees begins
Trap trees were set up at 5 sites near Slave Lake and Whitecourt and monitoring is ongoing
Ongoing monitoring of trap success rates
Ongoing monitoring of trap success rates
Analysis and deliverables accepted by project partners