
This community-based project in Jasper National Park ran from 2004 until 2006.

THE FireSmart-ForestWise project project combines research, restoration, education and stewardship to reduce the risk of intense wildfires and restore ecological conditions in portions of the montane forests of Jasper National Park.

The FireSmart-ForestWise project is a community-based project consisting of a number of partners concerned with protecting the community against fire and restoring ecological health to the surrounding forests.

Firesmart Forestwise Thesis: Managing Wildfire and Wildfire Risk in the Wildland-Urban Interface
Scientific Publications | Theses
This is a Master's thesis by Alan Lawrence Westhaver, as part of the Firesmart - Forestwise project, which was a collaboration involving fRI Research (then the Foothills Model Forest), Jasper National Park, and others.
Firesmart-Forestwise, natural disturbance
Summaries and Communications | Posters
Poster describing the purpose of the Firesmart-Forestwise project and the partners that are involved.
Environmental Screening Report: Firesmart-Forestwise Community Protection and Forest Restoration Project, Foothills Model Forest, Jasper National Park
Reports | Scientific Publications
Report on the Jasper component of the FMF FireSmart-ForestWise Communities Project, includes goals, methods, and detailed description of project.
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