Grizzly Bears and Pipelines: Response to Unique Linear Features

This project will assist the oil and gas industry and land managers to better understanding the response of grizzly bears to pipelines.

With continued development and expansion of oil and gas pipeline operations in grizzly bear habitat, it is important to gain an understanding of the potential impacts of pipeline development on grizzly bears. At the present time, there is limited research documenting how grizzly bears respond to pipelines in western Canada.  

This project builds on current Grizzly Bear Program work to determine if bears are selecting or avoiding wellsites, and will specifically quantify grizzly bear movement patterns and use of pipeline RoWs.

Results from this research will help resource managers to understand and predict where, when, how, and to what extent grizzly bears may utilize active pipeline right of ways.

pipeline right-of-way
Scientific Publications | Peer Reviewed Papers
Paper from the Grizzly Bear Program
Videos | Summaries and Communications | Audio-Visual | Presentation Slides
Presentation by Grizzly Bear Program lead Gordon Stenhouse at the PTAC Ecological Issues forum.
Lakehead University and Lakeland College visited fRI Research to learn about our Grizzly Bear and Caribou Programs.
Tracy McKay
Tracy McKay
Wildlife Biologist
Julie Duval
Julie Duval