illustration of a grizzly bear in a snowy forest

Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project

Non-invasive population monitoring in Bear Management Areas 3 and 4.

Previous population inventories conducted by the Grizzly Bear Program and other groups have given encouraging population signs in some Bear Management Areas. This project will build on 23 years of data from the Grizzly Bear Program to support forest management and provincial recovery efforts for this species.


  • Monitor survival, productivity and health of grizzly bear populations using targeted non-invasive genetic sampling and existing predictive habitat models
  • Monitor habitat occupancy with changing landscape conditions and climate
  • Monitor possible range expansion (eastern edges of BMAs) and determine landscape connectivity patterns that are supporting this
  • Investigate new inventory techniques
Spring 2023
Project Begins

Staff hired and trained; fieldwork protocol developed.

July 2023
Fieldwork begins

The crew begin setting up hair snag sites and collecting habitat data in BMA 3.

November 2023
Field Season 1 Complete

Nearly 300 grizzly bear hair samples and over 50,000 trail camera photos and videos collected.

December 2023
Hair Sent to Lab

Grizzly bear hair sorted and selected for DNA analysis.

April 2024
DNA Results Recieved

31 grizzly bears identified from hair samples

May 2024
Field Crew Hired

6 field technicians arrive in Hinton to start training for the upcoming season

November 2024
Field Season 2 Complete

Nearly 1100 grizzly bear hair samples collected from the eastern edge, BMA 3, and BMA 4 sent to the lab for DNA analysis.

Interactive StoryMaps | GIS Products
Some of our favourite wildlife footage from the GBMP's 2024 season.
grizzly bears, moose, and wolf
Videos | Photo Galleries | Audio-Visual
Trail camera footage of grizzly bears and other animals visiting our 2023 hair snag sites.
6 intrepid field techs, 6 fun facts, 6 song (and podcast) recommendations.
Announcement | Blog
3 amazing biologists join the team.
employment opportunity habitat and field technician
Applications are now closed. Thank you to all who applied!
job opportunity biologist
This position is now closed.
grizzly bear at a hair snag site. some text visible behind the bear says how to setup a hair snag site
Grizzly bear hair is incredibly useful for conservation science, but how do we collect it in a way that is safe for us and the bear?
2 Grizzly bears in a flower meadow
A team of four earn their nicknames in the foothills south of Hinton.
Dr. Darío Fernández-Bellon on Ireland's highest peak.
Darío has studied many species, on many continents, making contributions to many questions along the way.
grizzly bear among bushes
We are hiring a Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project Lead. This is a 5-year position and this opportunity will remain open until a candidate is selected.
tuft of hair on barbed wire
The Grizzly Bear Monitoring project is hiring four field technicians for summer 2023 field work. Application closing date:  Feb 28, 2023.
Gord Stenhouse
Gord Stenhouse
Program Lead
Dr. Dario Fernandez-Bellon
Dr. Darío Fernández-Bellon
Program Lead
cam mcclelland (top)
Cameron McClelland
Senior Biologist