Investigating the Extent of Hybridization between Native Bull Trout and Introduced Brook Trout in Alberta

To what degree is hybridization a threat to bull trout?

Hybridization between bull and brook trout has been documented in the eastern slopes, but the full impact on bull trout populations has not been quantified. Emily Franks’ master’s project – co-supervised by Dr. Jon Mee, Mount Royal University and Dr. John Post, University of Calgary – aims to do just that. This study quantifies the extent of hybridization within an individual, within a watershed, and within the East Slopes.

Summaries and Communications | Meeting Agenda and Proceedings
In February 2023, the Water and Fish Program and the Government of Alberta’s Office of the Chief Scientist co-sponsored a […]
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The Water and Fish Program and the Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership presented at a major conference in Hawai'i this September.
Emily Franks
MSc Candidate
Dr. Benjamin Kissinger holding kneeling in a stream with field equipment
Dr. Benjamin Kissinger
Program Lead
Dr. Jon Mee
Dr. Jon Mee
Dr. John Post
Dr. John Post