Phase Dependent Dispersal of MPB
Do endemic populations of MPB fly differently than epidemic phase beetles?
Mountain pine beetle has two stable population phases, the high-density epidemic phase, and the low-density endemic phase. Much of what we know about MPB behaviour is from studies of beetles in the epidemic population phase because that is when they are easy to locate in the field and cause the
most damage. Dispersal and flight behaviour of MPB is also difficult to study. In this project, we compared the dispersal capacity and flight behaviour of MPB from the epidemic and endemic population phases.
We lab-reared simulated endemic beetles and simulated epidemic beetles. When MPBs emerged from the bolts, we weighed them, and then attached them to flight mills to record flight duration and distance for 23 hours. After flight, we re-measured the beetles’ body condition and determined their fat content.
Dr. Evenden’s lab prepares for the experiments
Final deliverables accepted