Learning from the Landscape: the fRI Research story

Learning from the Landscape is the story of a remarkable research institution that had its roots in the federal government’s 1990 Green Plan. In 1992, Foothills Model Forest placed first in a nation-wide competition to establish “working models of sustainable forest management” in each of Canada’s major forest regions. This model forest encompassed three million hectares of Alberta foothills landscapes and Jasper National Park. It developed diverse programs of applied science that have continued and broadened under the fRI Research banner. This book describes the institution’s evolution over the first 25 years and the relevance of its findings to sustainable resource management today and tomorrow.

The book is hardcover and contains over 200 maps and photos. It is available for purchase by contacting us here.


Selected Forest History Program Publications

TransCanada Ecotours Northern Rockies Highway Guide by Fred Pollett, Robert Udell, Peter Murphy, and Tom Peterson

A Hard Road to Travel by Peter Murphy, Robert Udell, Robert Stevenson, and Tom Peterson

Mountain Trails by Jack Glen Sr.

Learning from the Forest by Robert Bott, Peter Murphy, and Robert Udell

The Hinton Forest 1955-2000 by Robert Udell and Peter Murphy