Video – Early Effects of Variable Intensity MPB Attack (green/red attack) on Hydrology and Understory Vegetation Dynamics. Presentation by Uldis Silins

At the Mountain Pine Beetle Ecology Program workshop in 2012, hosted by the Foothills Research Institute, Uldis Silins presented an introduction to a large research project undertaken by researchers from the University of Alberta. The effects of mountain pine beetle attacks on hydrology are looked at, with the aim of answering questions like how big will the impact be of a mountain pine beetle attack, and how long will it last? Mountain pine beetle attacks are different than other types of disturbances, so the effects on forest hydrology will also be different.

The research simulated 2 levels of mountain pine beetle attack, with the plots studies for a year before treatment and two years after treatment. Results from the research are presented in videos by Anne McIntosh and Pablo Pina.

Uldis Silins is a professor at the University of Alberta.