Mountain Trails: Memoirs of an Alberta Forest Ranger in the Mountains and Foothills of the Athabasca Forest 1920–1945
The life of a legendary ranger in Alberta.
This book chronicles a 25-year chapter of the life of Jack Glen (1891–1983), commencing when he left the Royal Northwest Mounted Police force to become a Dominion Forestry Branch ranger in the frontier community of Entrance. It was completed and published in 2008.
Mountain Trails is available for purchase in hardcover by contacting fRI Research, or for free download as an eBook.

Jack Glen, c. late 1930s
Jack Glen Sr. (1891–1983) was a forest ranger from 1920 to 1945 in the foothills of the upper Athabasca. Produced by the fRI Research Forest History Program, the free ebook Mountain Trails tells of the adventures, colourful characters and challenges of bringing order and law to a previously untracked and mostly uninhabited wilderness. Below is an excerpt from Chapter One: First Days on the Trail.
- Northern Rockies Tourism Alliance