August Field Update 2: Caribou Program Hinton Crew

An update from the Caribou Program’s Hinton field crew.

A day with the Junior Forest Rangers

On July 23 Jillian and I had the pleasure of bringing the local Junior Forest Rangers into the field with us. They are a group of 14 to 18 year old boys with an interest in forestry who get to spend their summer learning all sorts of skills related to the industry. We did our best to explain the purpose of both projects that we are working on and then had them complete the protocol with us. Over the course of the day we completed a mountain pine beetle plot, a lichen plot and a linear feature plot to try to give them a little taste of everything.

Though they were pretty eager to jump in and help us out it was a little tough to keep a group of 12 energetic boys interested in vegetation that they weren’t too familiar with! We definitely enjoyed having their company for the day, seeing their group dynamics and hearing all of their very strong opinions on all sorts of topics of conversation. It was a fun day and a nice way to mix thing up!