Meet the 2024 Caribou Crew!

The Caribou crew at a practice plot

The Caribou Program is back with another busy field season collecting data about habitat and animal use all through the west-central Alberta caribou ranges. Hailey, James, Kris, and Nicola joined the team this May – let’s get to know them a bit better!

Hailey Guysbers

Fun Fact: Alberta used to be at the bottom of the ocean!

Top snack: Dutch Crunch Jalapeno & Cheddar Kettle Chips

Song recommendation: anything by Kings of Leon

James Gibson

Fun Fact: foxes almost always pounce north because they use magnetic fields to gauge distance.

Top snack: beef jerky

Song recommendation: anything by Charley Crockett

Kris Melnychuk

Fun Fact: wombats poop cubes!

Top snack: energy trail mix

Song recommendation: anything by Merle Haggard

Nicola Costerton

Fun Fact: the Olive-sided Flycatcher song sounds like, “quick three beers!”

Top snack: dried mango

Song recommendation: Don’t Let It Bring You Down by Mt. Joy

Their first few shifts were focused on servicing trail camera sites for the ungulate density project. Now that vegetation is blooming, it’s time to test drive a new protocol! For much of the rest of the summer, the crews will be measuring regeneration on seismic lines, 10 years after we first surveyed them!

Biologists Leonie, Becky, and Solène have all been helping out this week introducing the new protocol.

L–R: Becky, Leonie , Kris, Nicola, Hailey, James, soil probe, backpack.
Chief Protocol Officer Leonie Brown giving some pointers on lichen ID to the crew.
James digs in to characterize the soil at this plot.